Kyle Samera

I got 27 customers in one week

Last week:

On January 4th, I launched on Product Hunt and was featured as the 8th product of the day. The initial boost was awesome and we got almost 400 free subscribers just on the launch day. They even included us in the newsletter and tweeted us out on their account which also helped gain eyeballs on the product. We had just under 1,000 visits to our site in a 3-day span.

On January 7th, I decided to move to a 7-day free trial. More to come on how this experiment goes but so far I'm iffy on the initial results.

This week:

Growth is definitely slowed after the initial launch and I'm dealing with a slightly higher than expected level of unsubscribes (though it's still sub-1.5%). I believe this will downtrend as existing subscribers mature on the list and know what to expect each day from us.

Since growth has slowed, I will be working on implementing a referral program into the newsletter, as well as boosting a new twitter account that will auto tweet out the unregistered domains each day as well after a certain period of time.

I still need to figure out which communities/target market is most interested in the product. Is it domainers? Or is it makers? That's why I'll be doing a survey via Typeform and offering 1 month of Linkpunk Premium for free to existing subscribers. Hopefully through this I can actually gain some insights into who my customers are, what they expect from Linkpunk, and what services or features that would be extremely helpful to them.

Cheers to a productive week!